Yoga classes and retreats in Nature And Yoga for dental professionals

YOGA classes and retreats in the Triglav National Park, Slovenia.
All yoga is led by Nichola Jayne Tong amidst some of the world's most stunning scenery, so you can destress, unwind and connect yourself to nature. We offer you classes, retreats or private sessions, including yoga on the lakes of beautiful Bohinj and Bled on stand up paddle boards (SUP yoga).
We teach combinations of hatha yoga, vinyasa yoga, mandala vinyasa, restorative yin yoga, Kaula tantra yoga and paddleboard yoga. All of our classes and retreats are in English.
Yoga means ‘union”, to unite mind, body & soul, to physically and spiritually nourish you.
KAULA TANTRA YOGA is a non duel spiritual system from the school of Śaiva tantra; everything is connected, life is a Devine play of self expression. Kaula tantra yoga is a set series of yoga poses to help you relax on a cellular level to access your true nature, like a meditation in motion. Tantra is an ancient science also using mantras, ceremonies, rituals, mysticism, yoga meditation, mandalas & from which modern day Hatha yoga was born,
HATHA yoga is a system using Patanjali’s “Eight Limbs”. This holistic approach incorporates asana (poses), yogic philosophy, mudras, bandhas, pranayama and meditative techniques.
VINYASA/MANDALA VINYASA yoga joins breath with movement to link a series of poses together in a flow. Mandala vinyasa uses 360 degree sequences around the whole mat. Often the practice is based on the four elements that bring connection between you and each of the Elements in the Universe – Earth, Water, Fire and Air.
YIN yoga is a gentle, passive and introspective practice of self discovery on mental, physical and spiritual levels. Yin yoga has deep roots in psychology and also works to balance energy blockages in the body. Classes can be themed on the elements, or the chakras, which is the name given to energy centres corresponding to the major organs and systems of the physical body, and the emotions of the subtle body.
SUP yoga is a tranquil, challenging and often fun yoga practice performed on stand up paddle boards. Practicing yoga on water brings an added sense of liberation and connection to yourself and nature.
All of this put together is the concept of yoga tantra; the deeper understanding of yourself using a variety of tools to stretch your awareness & expand your capacity for joy, authenticity & harmony.
If you prefer a more personalised or individual yoga experience please feel free to get in touch. Private 1:1 sessions and retreats are becoming increasingly popular to bring a unique style to your own practice, and become more deeply acquainted with your own mind and body.
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